Healthy gums are pink and firm, so if you have inflamed gums, where your gums appear red and swollen, it could be a sign that you have gum problems. There are several reasons why your gums could be inflamed, so it’s important to understand what’s causing your gum inflammation.


Inflamed gums can have several causes including: 

Plaque – Plaque build-up is a common cause of the first stage of gum disease, gingivitis. Plaque bacteria builds up on and around the teeth all the time and if it’s not removed by regular brushing it can irritate the gums causing them to become red and inflamed. Generally, the inflammation associated with gum disease is not sore, but if it’s left untreated it can progress and worsen into periodontitis, a more severe, irreversible stage of gum disease that can eventually cause tooth loss.1

Mouth ulcers – These red, white or grey sores may be painful and can appear anywhere in your mouth, including on your gums, which could make them sore and inflamed. You can have one at a time, or many sores all over your mouth. While uncomfortable, they are usually harmless and clear up in a few days. Antimicrobial mouthwash, may speed up healing and help to prevent infection. You should visit your doctor if the sores are persistent and keep coming back.

Gum abrasion – If you brush too hard or aggressively you can damage the delicate gum tissue making it sore and inflamed. An effective technique to relieve this problem is to use a gentle, circular motion when you brush.

As there are many reasons why you could have inflamed gums, you should book an appointment with your dentist to find out what is causing your gum inflammation and get expert advice on how to treat it.


If your inflamed gums are a sign of gingivitis, then the best way to help return your gums to good health is to ask your dentist about how to improve your daily oral health routine. This can be as simple as brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste or a daily gum health toothpaste like parodontax.

Switching to parodontax toothpaste can help stop and prevent bleeding gums*. With twice daily brushing, it is effective at removing the build-up of plaque bacteria along the gum line (the area where the gum meets the tooth), helping to keep gums healthy and teeth strong.

If you are at risk from severe gum problems your dentist may recommend you use interdental brushes or floss to help clean hard to reach areas. 

*By aiding plaque removal. Consult your dentist for more information about gum problems

1 WebMD. 2017. Gum Problems: Bleeding, Swollen, and Sore Gums. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/gum-problem-basics-sore-swollen-and-bleeding-gums#1. [Accessed 19 July 2017].